Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Winter Fun
My nose comes off

Although we got 17 inches of snow last week, it was a very dry snow, unsuitable for packing. As the week went on and it started to melt, it finally became packable, so yesterday Karen and I went out and had a little fun with it before it was all gone.

We lacked certain quintessential accoutrements for the construction of a traditional snowman (coal, carrot, corncob pipe, silk top hat), so we had to make do with building the facial features out of the most readily available material.

Frosty's cosmetic surgery gone horribly wrong!

Kind of an Easter Island statue/Tiki god/Homer Simpson looking thing. Alas, its topheaviness was its downfall, and it fell over sometime in the night.

And on a totally different subject, I've been obsessively reading the entire archives of Overheard in New York. Funny, funny stuff.

Posted by godfrey (link)
wow, impressive. especially the nose.
There's something to be said for topheaviness.
That is incredibly cool!