Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 6 March 2005
So glad I'm a guy.

I went shopping with Karen yesterday. Every time I do so, I thank my lucky stars that I can go into a store, pick up a shirt or a pair of pants based on a number, and walk out again, secure in the knowledge that it'll actually fit. I don't have to remember the difference between a "Jessica Cut" and a "Natalie Cut", or figure out what a size number means in this store as opposed to what it means in that store.

Plus I don't have to deal with clothes designed by people who apparently hate my entire gender. Sheesh, some of the things in the stores these days seem to be trying to make the female figure as unattractive as possible.

But women put up with it, so I guess it's just me who finds it bizarre and incomprehensible.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I wish I could make you understand that those names for the way pants are cut are legitimately helpful. Instead you're using it to further polemical attacks on women - tsk tsk.
Oh, I've given up and simply wear potato snacks. I get looks at the post office and grocery store, but laundry is a breeze.
Women's sizing is stupid.
However, men's sizing, in the clothes-for-teenage-gangstas category, is nearly as opaque. Size 32 pants are not actually 32" around the waist, because they are expected to be worn around the upper thighs instead, held up by impure thoughts and a shirt that is 3 miles too long for anyone who does not wear their waistband south of the equator.

Wow. I'm glad I'm not so young that I feel compelled to dress like an utter moron.

i love shopping! Trying on all sorts of clothes is a joy to me!
GOdfrey, I'm totally with you on this one.
I liked shopping a whole lot more 16 pounds ago.
On the bright side, we've come a long way from corsets and foot-binding.
That's a bright side? :-)

Men are just jealous because we can have multiple orgasms.
Oh, men can have multiple orgasms too, but they fall asleep before they can find out.