Singing Potatoes
Friday, 14 February 2003
Sunnydale Sock Puppet Theatre

This post is mainly for Sid...

Apparently, The First Evil's LiveJournal is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a whole LiveJournal Community full of characters from both Buffy and Angel.

The Cast List provides a canonical list of all the people participating in "Sunnydale Sock Puppet Theatre". I'm glad Clem has a LiveJournal, but I'm not sure why the witches from Charmed are included.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Probably because the Charmed witches are doing the same thing as the Buffy characters - fighting and killing (or vanquishing) demons and such.
Sure, but is there a direct link between the two shows? (Other than the occasional flippant remark, that is.) Has there ever been a crossover episode where the characters from one series appeared in the other?

No, but both are in California which seems to be the font of all demonic activity in the world - not the middle east!
No connection between Charmed and Buffy (other than Buffy is charming and Charmed is charmless -- ha!). I love the First Evil's LiveJournal violently. I want to hunt down the person who writes it and have many many of their babies.
Well, I wish I had the kind of life where I could just sit and create things like that all the time.

My other thought is... there are probably some very unfortunate people out there who think that all of that is either those characters actually really posting 'cause they are real( in which case, when do those characters have time to post on journals given their hell mouth schedules?)

Or there are other unfortunate folks who think that the creators of the show have the time to make those things

Or there are yet more unfortunate people who lead the kind of lives where they have the time to do those kind of things.

So, where can Ken find Sam and Frodo's blogs?

Actually, the melancholy teenager (I forget her name at the moment; she forsaw her own death, and the First Evil impersonated her to Willow) did have a genuine Web site on the Internet, put up by the show's creators.