Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 18 March 2004
A Musing

In colleges and universities throughout the land, people major in Sociology. I never actually knew any Soc majors in school, nor do I know anyone who did major in it, but I know of them.

Where, exactly, does one get a job in Sociology? I mean, apart from a job teaching it?

Posted by godfrey (link)
When I was considering a major in Soc. (which was nixed in favor of anthro), a popular career choice was social work.

Sociology is really anthropolgy from the top down. You start with people and work backwards from there, whereas anthro starts with what people left behind and you build up from there. So, there's a lot of overlap of the two sciences. Soc. is cool stuff... Blends psychology, anthro and statistics.

Another career option, which was given to us anthro majors, but would apply nicely to soc. majors, is human resources-type stuff for big corporations. These large corps send their people all over the world without a clue as to how to understand the culture they're being sent to, so often they use anthropologists (and likewise, sociologists would definitely do in a pinch) to ease the transition of the business-person in his/her new environment (y'know, cultural faux pas, local customs, etc.)