Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 18 December 2002
Alas, poor Giles. I knew him, Horatio.

Spoilers from last night's Buffage in the comments.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Is Giles dead?

They never showed how he escaped that swinging axe, which came mighty close to his head as they cut to black at the cliffhanging end of a previous episode.

On last night's installment, he suddenly showed up again, but (as Karen pointed out) it was quite odd that he never hugged anybody after having been absent for so long.

Upon further reflection, I noticed the following additional weirdnesses:

* Giles didn't help Buffy out of that hole in the ground; he just stood there and watched, even when the übervamp appeared behind her.

* He didn't hand the Watchers' books and files to the Scoobies; he had one of the proto-Slayers do so.

* I don't recall him actually touching anyone or anything during the entire course of the episode.

* He, like the manifestations of Buffy's mother, kept urging her to go to sleep.

Two facts were disclosed about The First Evil during the course of the episode:

* The First is noncorporeal, and cannot touch anyone or anything.

* The First can only manifest as someone who has died.

Fortunately, Sid called and asked me to tape the episode for her, so I can go back and see if he did in fact interact physically with the world around him. Giles is one of my favorite characters, and Mutant Enemy is just evil enough to kill him off, the bastards.
I taped it last night and watched it again, and Giles did not in fact touch anyone or anything. I noticed it as well, and also believe that Giles just might be dead.

A few people I know came to this same possible conclusion independently. He did seem a little detached and he didn't actually touch anything or anyone in that episode (including the remaining documents from the Watchers). I'm so tempted to believe this is the case because I think Whedon can't turn away from the dramatic impact of the one person
Buffy can turn to being a manifestation of her enemy. Who else could demoralize her more while also rounding up the last of the proto-slayers in one spot?

Another friend pointed out that Mutant Enemy have long been working on a deal for a BBC spinoff series in England featuring Giles called "Ripper", which would be very difficult to do if Giles is, in fact, dead, unless that was the story hook.

A question that I have no real resolution on is what's the deal with Principal Wood? Every time I think I've figured him out, I'm confused again.

I love the show, but I sincerely hope they end it with this season. Anything else will be extremely anti-climactic.
Of course, there are always escape hatches for them if Ripper hasn't been axed yet.

The First has manifested several times as Buffy, who has died twice, but was revived/resurrected. It may very well be that Giles was killed by the axe-wielding Bringer, but his body was found in time to save him and he's now lying in a hospital bed somewhere in England while The First impersonates him in Sunnydale.

On the other hand, perhaps Ripper wasn't picked up by any network, so they don't need to worry about reconciling a Giles-centric series with the fact of his death.

Principal Wood is a fun enigma. He certainly knows more than he's letting on. If he's a bad guy, then he's the most subtle one they've had to date.

(Lunchbox breaking in and telling us geeks to get lives and move out of our parents' basements in 5... 4... 3...)

I hadn't thought about the fact that Giles could technically die and be ressucitated, making him a viable target as a disguise for the First and still a survivor.

That's a clever piece of thinking.
Aw, shucks. <geek>It's like in Spider-Man issues 97 through 99...</geek>

(What was the line after that? I missed it because I was laughing too hard.)

Andrew: "Man, this place gives me the creeps. It's like in Wonder Woman, issue 297-299"
Xander: "Catacombs. Yeah. With the skeleton."
Andrew: "That was cool."
Xander: "That was cool." [Xander agrees, smiling, but then quickly gets tough, having spotted his geekyness]. "This way"
Dawn: "Looks like the First made another sacrifice, or a music video..."
Andrwew: "That wasn't here before. I had nothing to do with it."
Xander: "Thanks for clearing that up. 'Cause otherwise we might have thought you were up to no good here at the satanic manhole cover. YOU KILLED YOUR BEST FRIEND!"
Wonder Woman, Spider-Man... My mind is going, Dave. I can feel it.

Has somebody posted a transcript already, or is your memory just that good?

Oh, and what was the point of Buffy's mother urging her to sleep, since she only appeared in dreams when Buffy had nodded off?

Not quite a Buffy transcript, but close. Courtesy of
I'm a firm believer in the "Joyce that appears in dreams" is an actual manifestation of Buffy's deceased mother and not the First. Buffy hasn't slept for quite a while in that episode, and if she doesn't rest she's going to start losing more of her edge and hallucinate. Joyce actually had good advice.
I liked the Jungian advice Joyce gave, that we all have evil and good within us. (Some are more evil than others.)

Ack, I've been assimilated! Can fan fic be in my future? Help!
My friend Olen has an even weirder theory (or he's just messing with me):

"I think I know what's going on. Remember that episode where Buffy woke up in a mental hospital, and everything had been a dream? Well, what if....

OK, OK, put the axe down."
And you all teased on me about Xena! You guys need to get out more.
Good point, well made.

But I know I'm a geek. Yesterday, at Bill's house, Fiona and I argued about whether one of his action figures was first-season Willow or second-season Willow.

Giles is fine! Giles is fine! ((plugs ears with fingers, la la la la la....))

Also, have you noticed Giles appears to never take off that overcoat? What's up with that?
Hmmm, the plot thickens!

Wow, actually the interviews I've been reading with Marti Noxon (who says she won't be coming back! BAD TIMING, MARTI!) and other members of the cast really seem to insinuate they're going to end the show with this season, now. It is hard writing episodic stories for more than seven years, and seriously, what are they going to come up with next for a season-ender? Another apocalypse? Another death for Buffy? Another one of her friends goes apeshit? Another god? There's only so many possibilities....Not sure how spoilerish this is, but Alyson Hannigan is apparently going to cross over to Angel and bring Eliza Dushku back to Buffy with her. Maybe if there isn't a spinoff, some of the Buffy characters will go over to LA -- I don't think it's Angel's last season -- like SPIKE! And he'll leave his (meagre collection of) shirts in Sunnydale!
Hope that wasn't too spoilery. I am restraining myself, because actually I am a gigantic feather-boa-wearing spoiler ho and know some news about Giles, but I'm trying not to spill it.