Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 2 April 2002
Day of Sex

The other night, during band rehearsal, I suggested to the guys that we should get together for Deus Ex, a computer game. As we do get together every few months for LAN parties, and hadn't played Deus Ex at one yet, they agreed. Our wives, however, thought I was suggesting that we guys should get together for a day o' sex. Much hilarity ensued.

I had seen screenshots from Deus Ex, and assumed it was little more than just another first-person shooter, where one simply runs through the levels blasting everything that moves — no thought required. So I hadn't bothered to check it out.

A couple of weeks ago, however, someone emailed me out of the blue, saying that he'd seen my computer-generated Stargate images and asking if I'd provide textures for a Stargate mod for Deus Ex that he and some other people were putting together.

So I downloaded the demo and played it, and liked it so much that I went out and bought the full game. And agreed to work on the mod.

This is the first time I'd ever tried my hand at mod texturing, so I was hoping I could do an adequate job. After comparing my test room against some other mods for different game engines, though, I guess I didn't do too badly.

Here are some screenshots of my test room. The Stargate model was created by one of the other team members, but its texture — and everything else in the room (apart from the soldiers) — was what I did:

Gate room Gate room Gate room Gate room Gate room Gate room Gate room
Posted by godfrey (link)