Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 29 April 2003
For the Birds

Last year, a pair of what I thought were pigeons, but which actually turned out to be doves, built a nest on top of the old, unused air conditioner in our carport and hatched two eggs. They came back this year, used the same nest, and had two more little chicks.

Mama bird sits in the nest, and the father usually sits hidden nearby. Both of them remain as still as statues. The little chicks are a bit more mobile, though they're silent.

Mama Bird and Chicks

They'll be gone soon, if they follow last year's pattern; but until then, they give me something to smile about when I leave for work in the mornings.

Posted by godfrey (link)
OmiGOD. ((dies from the adorableness))

Lucky that's not around my house, else Max would have Designs upon them. Do they really not make a sound? Wow....
Fortunately, they're not in a place where our cats can see them; the only "window" in that wall is the space cut for the air conditioner.

And no, I haven't heard a peep out of them. No pun intended. Last year, the only time I remembered a chick making noise was when it had fallen out of the nest; otherwise, they were as quiet as churchmice.

Remember several years ago when the freaky dead bits were in the car port and we joked about it being a voodoo thing and perhaps a terrible sign?

Well, I would interpret this as a good sign, voodoo or not.

Yes. Definitely good. Much good karma.
It's only two days after I took that picture, and already the little chicks look about half again as large.