Singing Potatoes
Friday, 9 August 2002
The Collector's Edition of the Ring

I was going to buy the Fellowship of the Ring DVD this weekend, but someone on a mailing list I read posted a message (off-topic, but for once I didn't mind) indicating that they'll be releasing an extended edition in just three months.

The extended edition, due out November 12th, will be a four-disc set, with the movie itself running half an hour longer than the theatrical release, and much more behind-the-scenes footage.

Four commentary tracks! Woo-hoo! I'm in geek heaven. I can wait three months for that. And pre-ordering through Amazon only costs $25.99 for the whole shebang — "What a bargain! That is a bargain for me! I think I will buy some!" Now, how much are the chopsticks?

On the same date, they're also releasing a special collector's edition that costs over twice as much. Apparently, the big selling points are "collectible polystone (i.e., plastic) figures" and "exclusive trading cards". Oooooh. Be still my beating heart. <sarcasm>What a bargain.</sarcasm>

Posted by godfrey (link)