Singing Potatoes
Monday, 23 December 2002
Speaking of D&D...

Find out Which D&D Character Are You? (courtesy of Moira).

I got Chaotic Good Half-Elf Bard, which is ironic because I always considered the bard character class fairly useless.

(Ha! See, Karen? I'm not Lawful Good after all!)

Posted by godfrey (link)
"True Neutral Elf Bard????"
Worst quiz ever.
Therefore, I still contend that you're Lawful Good.
Interestingly, I got "Neutral Good Elf Bard". Maybe it's the same birthday thing. And yeah, you are definitely a Lawful something; I always thought you were programmed with those "If - Then" statements.
I do, however, like that on the statistics graph the only negative figure I got was 'Cleric'.
Okay, so that's four people (including Moira) who've taken the test and come out with "Bard". What's up with that?

If it helps, I got "Chaotic Good Human Barbarian". No bard for me.

I was only negative in the thief department.
I turned out as aTrue Neutral Half-Elf Barbarian. I guess this means I really do take after my Dad in respect to the "true neutral" characteristic. I am tied for second in Ranger, Fighter, Paladin, Druid and (of course) Bard. I guess I'll be hanging out with Darren more!