Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 19 April 2005
That sound sure takes me back...

I see it didn't take long for the new Doctor Who series to launch back into cliff-hanging multi-part episodes — and they kept that signature electronic scream. Takes me right back to... well, not exactly childhood, as I didn't discover the Doctor until I was fifteen or sixteen; "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" was the first episode I saw. But I digress. The incidental music's a bit better this time around, and doesn't drown out the dialog like it used to. Gone are the carpet monsters, too; the makeup's quite a bit better (and there's some fairly respectable CG creatures for a weekly series).

Weird seeing Christopher Eccleston grinning from ear to ear, though. And I never thought I'd hear a fart joke in Doctor Who.

Billie Piper, who plays the Doctor's companion Rose, keeps looking like different people to me, depending on her facial expressions and the camera angle. In this week's episode, at one point she looked scarily like a blonde version of someone I know.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Given our age difference, we were probably discovering the Doctor at exactly the same time. My first episode was The Deadly Assassin, which (given it was the only episode in which the Doctor is companionless) completely messed up my perception of the show.
Yeah; "Talons" was a bit misleading for a first-timer, too, given that Tom Baker spent the whole episode in a Sherlock Holmes getup, and Leela was quite a bit more clothed than usual.

Given that blog comments aren't great literature, how many times do you think we could use "given" in these comments?
Well, I've given it a bit of thought, and after trying to find as many ways to use "given" as possible, I've reached that stage where the word has totally dissociated itself with its definition and just looks like nonsense. Given, that's wandered completely off topic, but it's my blog so I'll write what I want.