Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Internet Wackos
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

In the virtual worlds community, there's this person - let's call her "Prokofy Neva" - who pops up everywhere her name is mentioned, and uses whatever is said about her as a springboard to launch into a tl;dr screed railing against techno-fascism, techno-communism, /b/tards, or whatever happens to have her panties in a wad at that moment. She insults others left and right, and should they respond in kind, she plays the role of the aggrieved party (and then weaves further assaults against her "persecutors" into even longer vitriolic rants). And heaven help anyone who has the temerity to disagree with her, which is apparently a worse sin in her eyes than eating babies.

She's now started popping up and condemning the OpenSimulator project, which I'm heavily involved in (it's open-source, you see, which is communism according to her worldview). I'm amazed by both the prodigious output of her diatribes (I don't think she's just copy/pasting them), and that anyone can be so omnipresent across a huge spectrum of Web sites.

She's a fascinating case study in narcissism, megalomania, paranoia, anti-social behavior and obsessive/compulsive disorder all rolled into one - but she's nowhere near being in the same class as Time Cube Guy, whom the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures really should adopt as the SI Base Unit of Insanity.

Posted by godfrey (link)