Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 3 February 2005

Today was a day of deliveries. The Spike Jones biography came in the mail, and FedEx made a half-hearted attempt to deliver most of the parts for my little media computer. Normally, if we're not home, they'll leave it at the apartment office. Not so this time; I picked them up from the depot on my way home from work. And then a UPS guy arrived around 9:00 to drop off a book Karen ordered from Amazon a while ago.

I'm hoping I can find an attachment for my Dremel tool that will actually cut through this steel ammo box. If not, I'll have to design a case from scratch. (Hmmm... I wonder how much RF interference a mini-Lumenglass would produce?)

Drat... While glancing around my room for potential case material, my eyes alighted on a couple of Scientology E-Meters from the early 1980s I couldn't bear to part with when I divested myself of my collection of cult paraphernalia, but they're just a bit too small for the purpose — only fifteen centimeters front-to-back, and I need seventeen. Now that would have been a unique casemod!

Speaking of Scientology, something's gotten me on their radar again. In the last couple of months, I've been getting angry emails about my Narconon pages, usually on Wednesday or early Thursday (just in time for Stats Day), but tonight I got one ranting on the subject of reincarnation, almost as incoherently as the Timecube guy. Experience has taught me the futility of attempting to respond to nutbags like that. It's almost as bad as trying to hold a rational discussion about politics or religion on a 3D-graphics forum. *cough*

Posted by godfrey (link)
You have some of the most interesting stuff bouncing around your abode. What is an E-meter?
Ah... an E-Meter is basically a device to measure galvanic skin response — a crude lie detector — packaged in a fancy box (though mine, being the model essentially unchanged since the 1960s, aren't quite as fancy). As it says on the side, it's used "for the guide of Ministers of the Church in Confessionals and pastoral counselling."

OK, what's 48.25? Your overtime for this week?
You should bring the ammo box this weekend. There'll be several guys, especially Janos & Greg, who can give you good advice on the best way to cut it.
Squelch: No, just hours worked since Monday morning.

Lunchbox: Excellent idea. Though I'm not sure I'll be able to drag myself to the event this weekend; the last two weeks have finally caught up to me.