Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 6 March 2003
The war begins in one week

Should be listening to: "The Gulf War Song" by Moxy Früvous

According to news reports, massive bombing of Iraq is to start on March 13, with the actual invasion beginning four days later.

I guess Dubya didn't learn all that much from his "favorite philosopher".

Posted by godfrey (link)
Ha Ha! I thought for a second that you meant the SCA event next week!
Yeah, kind of a coincidence that Gulf War II will be starting while we're at Gulf War XII.

"Ha Ha! I thought for a second that you meant the SCA event next week!"

Me too. I guess we're absolutely SCA geeks.
....didn't the Brits just say Mar 17? Or is that completely out the window now?
March 17th for the actual invasion, preceded by four days of bombing.
