Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 10 October 2006
What are the odds?
It Stinks!

Frequently, for a little background noise while I'm working, I'll stream videos from my PVR across the HomeLAN to one of my computers in The Lair. Unfortunately, it doesn't do automatic commercial skipping like the PVR can do, so I actually end up hearing them. From time to time, though, I'll hear something interesting, like the movie about rival turn-of-the-century magicians. "Hey," I said to myself, "sounds like an interesting and (gasp) original movie. We should go see it."

Last night, Karen and I decided to take a break and see a movie. I looked up movie times and saw that The Illusionist was playing. "Let's go see it," I suggested; she agreed, as I'd described the movie to her and she found it interesting as well.

So... what are the odds there'd be two movies this year about turn-of-the-century magicians? The one I'd seen the commercial for is apparently called The Prestige and will be out in about a week and a half. Still, The Illusionist was entertaining and visually quite pleasing. I didn't recognize Rufus Sewell until nearly the end of the movie, even though his name was in the opening credits, because every time he was onscreen I couldn't look away from the really bad moustache he was sporting. I mean, we're talking one of those dime-store fake moustaches that kids buy. Yeesh.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I want to see "The Illusionist" as it has Edward Norton in it and I think he's pretty darn cool. It's kinda hard getting the man into a movie theater nowadays and is he pretty cranky about being around other people who tend not to watch the movie.
Also notice how Hollywood like to compete with itself when an interesting topic for a movie comes up? How many Robin Hoods or Elizabeths came out at the same time? Sheesh.
The funny thing is, the facial hair Edward Norton was wearing made him look a lot like Pierce Brosnan to me. But his bearing, especially when walking around outside, was pure Baron Damien.

And "the man" should have gone to the showing we went to. I think besides Karen and myself, there were only two other people in the theater.