Singing Potatoes
Friday, 18 June 2004
Overheard in a Restaurant

"I've been experimented on, so if I do anything weird, just ignore me." — restaurant patron to server

(Is "server" still the correct term for what used to be called a "waitress"? I'll admit, I don't stay completely au courant [that's French for "with raisins"] when it comes to politically correct speech.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
I believe it's properly "restaurant choice facilitator."
Dude, where did you eat? Did he "look" normal? (I say "he" because it seems like "he"s are usually the ones abducted by aliens as opposed to "she"s.)
It was at the French restaurant downtown! Perfectly normal looking, too — business attire, decent haircut...

Someday I'll be allowed to eat there again. Love that place.
Do you know if they're open on weekends? That might be a good destination when we take a food break from fragging...

What kind of experimentation, I wonder, and by whom. Was he wearing an hat made of tinfoil?
Godfrey, if you're reading this at Jeffcon - open the door!
well, that's a new way to talk to one's spouse...
You try anything in a quasi-emergency...:)
Funny thing: when all the phones are in another room, and the room you're in is resounding with a constant barrage of gunshots and explosions, it's really difficult to hear the phones ringing...