Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 14 July 2005
Tired now.
Cup of Rum

The long hours at work are starting to wear thin. I could call in sick tomorrow and still get paid for a full work week plus five hours of overtime. I wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for having to get up at 5:30 every morning. I have no energy left to do anything when I get home, and I spend a lot of the weekends sleeping.

My job in Tampa may have been a soul-crushing, unpleasant one with abysmally low pay and zero growth potential, but at least I still had the energy to work on CG, play music and actually socialize with other human beings.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I can sympathize. I habe dialysis three times a week starting at 5:30. :(
Oof. With that in mind, I guess working overtime isn't all that bad.

It won't suck so much if it was a permanent position. Is it yet? By the way, sounds like the start of a career. Or something.
No, not yet. I'd hoped to have a chat with certain people about that today, but circumstances conspired against it. Monday, hopefully.

So, is exhaustion the reason you haven't responded to any of my emails, or do I smell bad? (Granted, those aren't mutually exclusive...)
Honestly, I haven't even opened my email client in about a week.

...3408 messages later...