Singing Potatoes
Monday, 21 June 2004
All partied out

The LAN party went pretty well. Subtracting time for sleep and food, we played about thirty-seven hours' worth of Battlefield 1942 and Tribes 2, mostly the former.

Battlefield 1942, is always loads of fun, but one of the version updates since the last time we played together included a great new map: the Battle of Britain. We tried it three times on Saturday, twice as the British and once as the Germans, and the Germans won easily each time (despite our "help" when we played as Germans, since it involved a lot of flying and bombing, which none of us were terribly good at). Sunday, we decided to play the map a few times to see if we could actually win as the British. Our quest was aided when we discovered we could take the Engineer class and actually repair the factory as well as defending it with antiaircraft guns. Once we learned that little trick, it was easy to beat the Germans — the AI players weren't aggressive enough to damage the factory as fast as we could repair it — so I switched over to the German team while everyone else stayed British, and that made things a little more challenging for everyone (part of the challenge for me was in learning how to fly well enough to actually hit the factory).

Thirty-seven hours of gaming is a bit hard on the ol' wrists, though. I think next time I'll be wearing an RSI brace on my mousing wrist during the game...

Posted by godfrey (link)
So it actually worked, eh? Excellent. It was an interesting experience to actually see a bomb in front of your face the split-second before it blew you to atoms.
Interesting indeed.

Also interesting was flying a bomber in low (to stay under the antiaircraft guns) and suddenly explode, then when the camera zoomed out to show you who killed you, the only thing there was a spindly little tree...

"Was it over when the Germans bombed PEarl Harbor? Hell no!"