Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 13 November 2003
Day the First

Yesterday, we made sure to get in to Tampa International two hours before our flight was scheduled to leave. Thanks to the magic of electronic check-in kiosks, we were at the gate in fifteen minutes, giving us plenty of time to kill. (In one of the airport shops, we saw a frightening "interactive storyteller" toy. I Always Do What Teddy Says.) Due to weather in Cincinatti, our flight out of Tampa was delayed by two hours. I finished Fight Club and made a start on Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About before we'd even left the ground. Harrumph.

Today: Bummed around Miami University while Karen interviewed. Nice library. They do have the Early English Books series on microfilm, but it's in storage; you have to tell them what reels you want, and they'll send you an email when they've retrieved them. Bummer. Read a bit of "Wife No. 19", an autobiography of one of Brigham Young's many wives. Walked around a bit on campus and in town.

In the evening, got together with Jen of VeryBigBlog. From her writing, I imagined her to be fairly laid back, but she was quite animated and energetic. We visited "Jungle Jim's", a store with four acres of foodstuffs from all over the world. Got quite a haul: candies (including Jelly Belly candies which resembled M&Ms, but had flavored coatings), sodas (Vimto, Afri-Cola, caffeine-free Mountain Dew), a tube of German mustard, pears (which turned out to be disappointingly flavor-free), and more.

Posted by godfrey (link)
wheres the pic of us? I wanna see iittttttttt....

Oh honey if you thought that was animated, I can't wait for you to move here. I'm a hummingbird in very big pants. You really thought I was laid back from the blog? wow. Did karen? I mean she knows me from the app list I bet she knew better. hehehe.

Actually - I didn't have any expectations, probably because I just "knew" how you'd be, because we've corresponded so much.