Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 30 October 2003
Or did I dream it?

I could have sworn I saw ninjas wearing Strong Bad masks in the preview for next week's Angel.

Posted by godfrey (link)
"Hey Stwong Bad, I bwought back youwe fondue pot."
You can keep the myrrh.
You've infected my man with your Strong Bad site. I may not be able to let him talk to you for a while. He called me up at work yesterday singing to me from that site. Just kidding - but not about the singing part!

"Thatched-roof cottageeeeeees!"
I just want to know the story behind the mail guy who pushes a cart around the Wolfram and Hart offices while wearing a Strongbad Mexican wrestling mask.

Yes, he's often passing through the background, and no, they haven't explained him yet.
Well, "Trogdor the Burninator" was mentioned in one of the final Buffy episodes, so I wouldn't be surprised if it were simply another nod to the Brothers Chaps...

But I'm hoping Mailroom Boy gets a bigger part in an episode or two.

Well, I got my wish. No actual Strong Bad masks, though the shot circling Numero Cinco as he sat at a table, a column of smoke rising from the cigar lying neglected in the ashtray, might have been a subtle reference. Or it might not have been.

The obligatory allusion to The Tick was a bit harder to miss. Okay, Edlund, we all know what else you've done!

Masked Mexican midget is happening to my show??

And if they truly do hook up Spike and Fred, I will become ill. Fred makes me ill anyway, but she needs to keep her hands off My!Gunn and My!Spike.