Singing Potatoes
Friday, 18 October 2002
Treading a fine line between cheese and pumpkin cake

During last night's recording session, Sid told me that my voice could "easily go over the line into cheesy". I wasn't sure how to take that, and Severin followed her up by saying "Or it could be pumpkin cakey".

We made it ourselves!

Eventually, they agreed between them that I was walking the line between cheese and pumpkin cake. Wheeee, what respect I get from my dear friends!

But I shall bide my time. I shall watch, I shall wait, I shall scheme. And when they least expect it, I shall have my revenge.

Muah hah hah hah hah...

(Related grumble: Why is it so difficult to find pictures of Lucien Callow and Fagan, the fops from Saturday Night Live? Harrumph!)

Posted by godfrey (link)
I wanna see you and Sev dress like that one day!
I'll put down money to see Sev in a powdered wig!