Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 1 January 2005
It's clobberin' time!

I came across this interesting image while looking for something completely different. Interesting casting choices, I must say; I never would have imagined Jessica Alba in the rôle of Susan Storm. She looks much better as a brunette, if you ask me. Which you didn't.

Posted by godfrey (link)
The Thing is touching her goodies!
It's slobberin' time?

Isn't Torchy supposed to be Susan's younger brother?

Yet another Marvel movie ruined by bad casting. I'll never forgive them for choosing a Cray XV to play the Hulk. I mean, its housing wasn't even the right color!
Yeah... and Reed always seemed a little, I don't know, older than that. On the IMDB, it says George Clooney was considered for the rôle; at least he looks about the right age, but I guess we can't have "old" action heroes in Hollywood any more.

Oh well, at least they have a former-demon-turned-plastic-surgeon playing Dr. Doom...