Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 31 December 2003
Georgia on my mind

What's going on in Doraville, GA? My package has been sitting there for nearly eleven hours, according to the UPS tracker. In that much time, it could have already been in Tampa! At this stage, I'm being plagued by visions of brown-clad chimpanzees swinging from ceiling girders, merrily tossing microphones hither and yon as an Orang-outan perched atop a pallet of clingfilmed boxes munches happily on my interface cables. Arrrrgh!

In other news, I've updated the Potted Meat Food Product page with an enhanced version of my PMFP commercial. After watching the Saturday Night Live "Behind the Music: Blue Oyster Cult" sketch, I realized it really needed some cowbell (and a couple other additions).

Posted by godfrey (link)
Two words - more cowbell.