Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 28 May 2003

Ten and a half years ago, courtesy of the Westisles History of Trimaris:

Talewinds, January AS XXVII, 1993  On 1-29/31-93, the Barony of Wyvernwood presents Hero of the Chalice held at Camp Keystone. The site is under new ownership and problems from previous events have been corrected. The site has been inspected, and it looks great. The pigs are gone. Activities for the weekend will include Hero of the Chalice Tourney; Bar-Room Brawl and Standard Rapier Lyst; IKAC, Obstacle Shoot, Advancing Barbarian & Wench shoot, and, of course, the Royal Hunt Archery Competition. for boffer will be Pillage the Pirate Ship and Human Joust. There will be The Quest for Something or Another, Battling Rabbis, Dancing and Bardic circle. Autocrat Diego Alejandro Miranda de Saavedra y Madrid and Lord Godfrey de Shipbrook. Feastcrat Baroness Ceridwen o Cahercommaun.

Battling Rabbis?! I have absolutely no recollection of that. I remember painting the barbarians and wenches on Friday night of the event, setting up the various archery fields, and everything else (except what the "Something or Another" actually was), but the "Battling Rabbis" baffles me.

Apropos of nothing, whenever I randomly think about somebody I haven't seen in years, I'll Google his or her name just to see if anything pops up. This morning, on the drive into work, I found myself thinking of someone I used to know in Boston, when I went to Carolingian events. After I'd moved to Florida, I ran into her one Pennsic and she filled my ear about a particular cheating fencer from Wyvernwoode. She died a little over a year ago, under suspicious circumstances.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Bummer about your acquaintance, but..."the pigs are gone"!
Oh yeah, there were pigs at Keystone, and the notorious "Dober-goat", a goat with the exact colorations of a doberman. It was evil, EVIL I tell you!
And although the malignant pigs were gone, they still had the turkeys. I can't remember if it was that event or a different one when Rurik sent one up the aisle during Royal Court...

Not so ironically, that Westisles website lists the AoA's given at Pennsic in '94, but not my knighting. Maybe Una wrote that report.
Was it a turkey or those evil geese?
The image in my mind is a turkey, but it could have been a goose, I suppose.

Battling Rabbis.
Oy! How come the WWE never picked up on this craze? Can you see the smackdown talk:
Rabbi Shmaltz: "He's a shlemiel, this other Rabbi, vat does he know from wrestling? My nephew's little 4 year old sister could beat him. Listen up, Hindleman, ven I get your tucchus in the square circle, I'm going to verk you over till you plotz!"
*suddenly Rabbi Hindelman comes in from behind brandishing a metal chair*
Gluh. Holy Christ. Drinking clorox is too good for the guy.