Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 10 March 2004
An Even Weirder Question

What the heck? Read the Feb. 13th installment of Ask the White House — the column in which White House officials answer your questions — and let me know if you can figure out what's going on.

Posted by godfrey (link)
???? Is the NASCAR guy now a member of the White House staff, or did The Onion hack into the web page? Because that seems just like an Onion feature.
That's messed up. Is this a "Chewbacca" smokescreen designed for us to not think about pertinent issues?
You must all be liberal traitors!!!!! Dont you appreciate NASCAR is one of the most popular sports in the nation and REAL Americans would be HAPPY to hear questions from Micheal Wartlip????? I suppose your the same people who were happy when the New York Times never covered Dale Earnhardt's death!!!!!!