Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 23 April 2003
Scam revealed

Today, I took Karen's cellphone in to the Verizon store, as the antenna had broken off a couple of days ago.

Do they sell replacement antennas? No. Do they have a repair or replacement plan? Yes, but only if I had taken out phone insurance when I bought the phone (which I hadn't), and even then, it doesn't cover the antenna. Can they recommend a good place to get it repaired?

At this question, the salesman looked around, then leaned in close to me and said, "Well, I could give you the address of a repair shop, but you'd just be throwing your money away. Most cell phones made in the last few years have an internal antenna; the external one is just a dummy. It doesn't do anything. Try your phone without it, and if it still gets reception, you'd just be wasting $25 to have it fixed."

Posted by godfrey (link)
That doesn't surprise me as:
1. All phone companies are scumbags;
2. The phone I have now is the best I've used, and it has no external antenna.

At least he told you the truth. That's a bonus point in my book.
Now I need someone to call me to test it out!
mine has a external, and it does work. when I get a l ow signal usualy raising the antenna will give me a extra mark or two.

Mine is trhee years old though, and I like it becasue it's JUST the right size (I have a samsung 3500, they used to show it inthe sprint commercials) I have big hands and so many of the ones now are so small my hands cramp to use them.