Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 4 July 2004
More on the "Mini-ITX"
Nano-ITX mainboard

My curiosity got the better of me, and I went looking for these "Mini-ITX" motherboards. I found them at VIA's mainboard site, and discovered that in addition to the 17cm×17cm Mini-ITX models, they've got a 12cm×12cm "Nano-ITX" board (pictured, right).

So now I'm thinking: for portable recording purposes, it would be awesome to have a tiny system that makes almost no noise (the low-power CPUs don't need fans, but there's not much I can do about the hard drive spinning). Add the smallest (and cheapest) flat-panel monitor possible (maybe even salvage a dead notebook computer's screen), move the Delta 1010LT into the tiny computer (which means it would have to be a Mini-ITX, as the Nano-ITX only has a mini-PCI slot), and bam!

Now only two questions remain: Where can one get one of these little marvels (since my usual sources don't carry them), and how much do they cost?

Answer: AxionTech, among others, and between $118 and $255 for various models with a 1GHz CPU installed. Not bad!

Posted by godfrey (link)
So? Gonna do it?
I'm thinking after the move, once I've got a job and we've got some money back in the bank, I very well might do it.

Plus, then I could design my own custom case...

Just what we need - another computer! They are going to take over and then they'll probably destroy all my lit books...just like Doc Oc in Spiderman 2!
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? C'mon, moving is no excuse.
I'm afraid it'll have to be. Weeknights are spent packing things, and we spent the weekend holding a yard sale.

Anyway, you're one to talk! Where's that "something coherent to say" you promised? :-)

(P.S. Don't worry; I've been working on Scene Five between boxes, and should be able to start rendering tonight.)
Cool--be sure to check the new Rendering Directive over at 48 Dead Horses. :)