Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 20 July 2006
I've got to wonder...
I\'m wishing ass cancer on you!

So once again, the midterm elections are rolling around, and the legislators are wasting time on symbolic issues rather than running the country. But in the latest salvo in the gay marriage debate, I noticed this little gem:

"Marriage is not about love," volunteered Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), who noted his 31 years of matrimony. "It's about a love that can bear children."

I wonder: if this is the justification for Rep. Akin's stance, is he equally intent on barring the elderly or infertile from marriage? Would a woman with a tubal ligation, or a man with a vasectomy be denied the right to wed in Akin's world? What of those who simply choose not to have children?

Oh, how I wish a reporter would ask him that.

Posted by godfrey (link)