Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
I am so sorry

The recent New Jersey same-sex marriage decision, and the Proposition 8 hearings, are making me feel a bit guilty.

Karen and I chose not to have children, so the government never should have permitted us to marry. After all, the whole purpose of marriage is procreation, or so I have read many times over the last few years - and letting people marry without procreating somehow irrevocably damages the sanctity of marriage. Had I realized this at the time, obviously I would never have chosen to harm the sanctity of other people's marriages by marrying a woman with whom I did not intend to produce offspring.

I see now that my decision to marry her out of love and a desire to spend the rest of my life with her was a selfish act, and I heartily apologize to everyone whose marriages I have weakened thereby.

Posted by godfrey (link)
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