Singing Potatoes
Friday, 22 April 2005

I leave tomorrow for Vancouver, Washington for a Hash get-together. (Without Karen, sadly, but then she gets to turn the tables next week by going to Banff without me.) I'll get to meet people I've "known" for years, including Squelch, with whom I've collaborated on some animations I'm quite proud of.

After the Hash Bash, I'll go see my old friend Jim, whom I haven't seen in over twelve years. Then, I guess up to the Canadian Vancouver. I'd been hoping to see the Stargate sets, but they don't let tourists in. I'm sure I can find something to do, though.

I think I need this vacation. I've been working the equivalent of seven-day weeks (or more) since December, and I feel a bit burned out. Of course, I can't get away entirely, as there are some things at work that I'll need to remote in and take care of. But that won't take too long. I hope.

Updates from the road, when possible.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I dunno if you'll see this before returning... lucky you going the lucky state that houses Hash HQ. Take loads of pictures and share.
Ack! You used my real name! :)
Sorry... since you'd linked to stuff with your real name on it, I thought maybe you weren't keeping it a secret any more. I've fixed it.

And don't worry, Elissa, I've got my camera. :-)
Mild-Mannered Squelch by day...