Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 11 January 2005
Fun Florida DL Facts
  • In Florida, it's legal for a Muslim woman to pose for a driver's license photo in a full burqa.
  • A Florida driver's license may be issued without a photograph or signature under certain circumstances.
  • Examples of some valid DL signatures are: just the first name; just the last name; initials; a scribble that resembles the output of a Spirograph; non-Latin writing, such as Chinese or Hebrew; the letter X.
  • Not valid signatures: a cross or plus sign; a straight horizontal line; a sine wave; a circle with a short line coming out of it; a nickname, such as "Scorpion".
  • There are some very unfortunately named people driving around in Florida.


  • Learners' permits in Florida automatically come with the "Safe Driver" designation.
  • "Boomhower" is a real last name.
Posted by godfrey (link)
Can any of these unfortunately named people be turned into cool band names?
Well, I suppose if you can get gigs with a name like "Double Dong", anything's possible...

Dude, that is so retro punk I could just snarf. You just know a band called Double Dong would be composed of a bunch of skinny white boys with really thick glasses and mohawks.