Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 10 January 2002
Nothing of import

Ugh. For the past two days I have been ridiculously sick. Naturally, since I have to sing this weekend, I got hit with a nasty sore throat and blocked sinuses.

When I finally got back in to work today, I was greeted by a new Internet router (as Winstar, whom we were previously using to connect to the Internet, has gone under), and a somewhat anxious boss. It seems the new router arrived Tuesday morning, and since all of our machines were set up for the old, incompatible router, my boss spent nearly two whole days being unable to check his stocks every five minutes. I spent about ten minutes altering all the machines' TCP/IP properties to use the new routers, and another twenty putting all of the machines' particulars into my Prism, mainly so I wouldn't have to crawl under the desks in the future to figure out which cables connected where.

So: our worst machine is a 150MHz Cyrix 6x86 with 32MB of memory and a 324MB hard drive, running Windows 98. But that's only because I retired the ancient '386 server last year. Wheeee.

Some contractors are doing something to the lobby in our building. As I went out to get a snack, I heard one of them say to the other, "This building is even crookeder than I am." Well, that's certainly a confidence-builder...

Posted by godfrey (link)