Singing Potatoes
Friday, 27 June 2003
A disturbing simile

For the past couple of weeks, at random intervals, the top of my right foot and the lower part of the shin will inexplicably feel hot; this sensation will last for several seconds before it returns to normal.

It's like a ghost is pissing on my ankle.

Posted by godfrey (link)
HA! That's something that could happen in "The Young Ones"!
"The Young Ones"! ((swoons))

Hey, nice new font! What is it?
Palatino Linotype. It's a nice-looking font, plus it contains the long-s character, so I can write nice historical things like "Where the bee ſucks, there ſuck I".

See a doctor and get rid of it.
Hell no; I like having two feet.

So my new stealth dog technology really works!