Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 10 October 2006
Damned Canucks
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I like a lot of Canadian bands, especially the acoustic/folk type groups. There's something about the energy, harmonies and (frequently) humor which infuses their music that I find appealing.

Anyway, a few days ago I ran across the Webcomic Least I Could Do (don't follow the link if your sensibilities are easily offended). While looking around on the site, I found a trailer for an animated series based on the strip*, with a really good theme song.

Googling the lyrics, I discovered that it was by the band Great Big Sea, a Newfie group who does a lot of traditional music. Listening to some samples from their latest album, I realized I would have to make some more space on the CD shelves.

Hooray, something else to spend money on...

* They apparently intend to try and break into TV. I presume that's in their native Canada, as I doubt many American networks would touch a cartoon about people mainly having as much sex as humanly possible. Maybe if they replaced the sex with graphic violence they'd have a chance here, though...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Great Big Sea is fantastic!! I've been a fan for years. In fact Brian and Bess (sooo long ago) and I went to a concert of theirs at the House of Blues in Orlando. Glad you like 'em!!
Well, I'm kinda behind the times, as I don't listen to the radio. :-)

Yeah, Brian and I were working on a couple of their songs to play at events. I'm sure you can write What Comes Next.
Hmm... my guess is "...and he was never heard from again."


Did I write that out loud?