Singing Potatoes
Monday, 15 July 2002

A few days ago, Fark had a thread wherein readers were encouraged to post their favorite jokes. I couldn't resist, and posted one from Tales, and quick answeres (Anonymous, ca. 1535):

A man that was right jealous on his wife, dreamed on a night as he lay abed with her & slept, that the Devil appeared unto him and said: Wouldst thou not be glad, that I should put thee in surety of thy wife? Yes, said he. Hold, said the Devil, as long as thou hast this ring upon thy finger, no man shall make thee cuckold. The man was glad thereof, and when he awaked, he found his finger in his wife's arse.

Another Farker emailed me and wrote, "Thanks for that, mate. A refined sense of humour on Fark? Never thought I'd see it. *L*"

My favorite joke ends with "he found his finger in his wife's arse" — and he considers that refined? I'd hate to see this guy's idea of a crude sense of humor!

Posted by godfrey (link)