Singing Potatoes
Monday, 28 February 2005
As soon as you clean...
Grumpy can't find anything. I need to do some character sketches! Where's my 1mm #2 pencil? My artgum erasers? My small pad of Bristol board? My T square?! Inspiration strikes, and I have no idea where my proper tools are.

See, this is why I so rarely clean; everything's thrown into chaos for months on end. Well, that and because I'm lazy.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wow, you have all that stuff?

I threw out my drawing supplies in disgust when I realized I'd never be a cartoonist, and I threw out my drafting supplies in delight when I realized I'd never be a theater tech again.

Now I'm stuck with pens and legal pads, just as in the days of Lincoln.
Yes, I still harbor the dream of being able to draw. I'll try, and then give up in frustration. A while later, I'll get the urge to try again, and then I'll give up again. But every time I try, it's a little bit better. So maybe by the time I'm seventy, I'll be able to draw to my satisfaction.