Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Oh yeah, now I remember
I\'m wishing ass cancer on you!

The main thing which frustrated me when I tried to lean Blender before was that every how-to book, tutorial and video I could get my hands on was out of date. Buttons and panels are moved around, renamed, or work entirely differently.

But what really makes me want to smash things is when the video tutorials assume you're already intimately familiar with the program. For example, in a video on subdivision surfaces, the narrator says, "and you can see, by turning off the... and you can see the nice smooth shape that's underneath." Now, I could hear that he hit a key in order to turn off the control mesh... but he never said what the keystroke was. And since the hotkey reference helpfully lists the keys in alphabetic order, rather than grouping them by logical functions, and there can be twenty different functions mapped to each key, depending on what you're doing at the time, I've still got no smegging clue what key it was that he hit. And this only compounded the frustration that since the video was made, they've changed the way subdivision surfaces are created, and even where those controls are located... it took me around fifteen minutes just to find them.

Frustrating indeed. I just keep telling myself that, if I could model these in a text editor, as plaintext descriptions of 3D objects, I can damn well master Blender.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Come to A:M:A!
Oh, I'm there - I've been chatting with Ken and Yves about NetRender.

And trying hard not to rant about Martin's douchebaggery, because I'm sure that's been done to death there.

Well, I meant for the help in Blender aspect; Yves himself is trying to learn it, too. Which can only be REALLY good for the Blender community.