Singing Potatoes
Friday, 23 May 2003
Almost time...

Well, the long-awaited weekend is just about here, and I have only a few things left to do. My biggest worry, Karen's award document (or "scroll", as it is erroneously called in the SCA), was finished Tuesday (though I touched up a couple of things Wednesday night). I'm not going to post the whole thing until after the ceremony, but here's an inch and a half square from the fourth page:

Ginevra's Portrait; click to enlarge

Click on the image to see a greatly enlarged version (600dpi). The image is mostly unretouched; the only editing I did was to correct the fact that scanners make goldleaf look like ass.

Posted by godfrey (link)
huuh, huhh, you said ass, huuh huh!
Yo, where be the pictures at?
As soon as I'm finished revamping the Trimarian Arts & Sciences site, I'll start retouching the goldleaf in the award pictures, and then I'll get them up once that's done. Patience, my love, patience!

You have spoiled me for all other calligraphers and illuminators. Just so you know.

I second that. I want to make pretty things like Jeff!
If I can do it, anyone can do it. All it takes is patience and stubbornness!

So - where are the scans?
You are forgetting the actual ability to draw things that are recogniseable as those actual things. I should think that is needed in adition to the stubborness. Oh, and paint brushes instead of q-tips.
Okay, it does also require paintbrushes. And paint. And something to paint on.

But the drawing part is simple, and can easily be taught.