Singing Potatoes
Monday, 3 November 2003
Come on, you're not even trying!

I just got an email from one "Nadiah J." at a Hotmail address, containing the single sentence:

May I have the username and password that goe with this email, please?

On the spectrum of social engineering attempts, I think this one actually gets a negative score. Was the sender genuinely so stupid that he or she thought it would work? Or are some people so dimwitted that such a lame attempt actually stands a chance of succeeding?

Posted by godfrey (link)
That's even better than the woman who tried to get me to visit her personals site--by writing in German...
You know I almost respect something that direct, and using "may I" and "please". It's better than a sneaky liar.
"Hello, I'd like to steal from you. May I have the keys to your house, please? Thank you for your attention."