Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 2 November 2004
Well, that's over with.

Voting was actually anticlimactic.

I armed myself well: an MP3 player and a book to help make the wait more pleasant. Multiple forms of ID, plus bills addressed to me at my current address (since the State of Florida still hasn't sent me my new license with the proper address on it). Title IX, Chapter 104 of the 2004 Florida Statutes, just in case someone tried to interfere with my right to vote (a felony in the third degree).

No lines. No would-be troublemakers from either party. The poll worker waved away my driver's license, saying she only needed my voter registration card. It was even a paper Scantron ballot, laying to rest my apprehension about the lack of a paper trail.

The only tough thing was forcing myself fill in the bubble next to the name of a candidate I absolutely despise. But I wasn't voting for him. I was voting against his opponent.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Uh, oh. Which one was the "despised" and which was the "opponent"? You were the one, weren't you... that made us lose Florida?

Sorry, you didn't deserve that.
I despise all pandering career politicians. The ones who say whatever the focus groups tell them will give them the best chance to get elected. The ones who make promises they know they can't keep, because they depend on the American public to be too ignorant to see the reasons why they can't keep them (and upon which reasons they can later blame their failure to keep their campaign promises).

I despise the children of privilege who put on a show of being Regular Joes, but lack a first-hand knowledge of the concerns which the vast majority of Americans face every day.

I despise the politicians who denounce their opponents for distorting the truth even as they themselves are savaging it.

Does that clear it up for you?