Singing Potatoes
Friday, 14 September 2001
The rain continued.

That's the first sentence in the story "The Long Rain", in The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury. And the phrase keeps occurring to me as I look out the window, with sheets of rain alternating with gusts of wind. I doubt I'm in danger of going insane from the rain, but I think I'll re-read that story when I get home. And hopefully Don't You (Forget about Me) will have stopped repeating in my head by then, specifically the line about the rain which keeps coming down down down. Well, I can always listen to "Spanish Flea", which is like a musical virus that deletes all other music stuck in one's head, and installs itself instead.

Speaking of which, I learned a new term today: Foistware. I had to go into RegEdit to get rid of my previous mouse driver, which kept installing itself onto the Taskbar even though I purportedly uninstalled it. While I was in RegEdit, I found something called "" that installs itself whenever my system starts up. I didn't recall having installed anything by that name, so a quick Googling informed me that I'd been infected with some foistware that came bundled with something else (I'm really getting sick of this; the Logitech mouse driver I just installed put a shortcut to eBay on my desktop).

Posted by godfrey (link)