Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 15 October 2003

Got home. Put key in lock. Turned. Met no resistance. Pulled key out. Cylinder came out of lock with key. Looked closely — heavily scratched around the key entry. Freaked.

Something's not right here...

Went in another door. Entertainment unit still there. Computers still there. Music equipment still there. Digital camera still lying in plain sight on desk. Called cops. Called landlord to come replace lock.

Waiting for cops.

Update #1: Got a call from the Sheriff's office. "Just want to let you know, we haven't forgotten about you! We're really busy tonight, but a deputy will be there."

"Okay, thanks. Any idea of a rough timeframe?"

"He should be there within half an hour, forty-five minutes at the most. Are you in an apartment or a house?"

"A house."

"Well, I can't promise you anything, but he should be there even sooner then."


Update #2: It's been more than forty-five minutes. I'm missing my Oktoberfest dinner, damn it!

Update #3: No usable prints. But the case is on file, and the landlord is coming early tomorrow morning to change the locks.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Yeeeeeeeeeeeek. did they figure out what the hell happened?
Well, it looked like the would-be burglar stuck something into the lock cylinder and leaned on it until it sheared the pins in half. Fortunately, in the process he also broke the cylinder off the cam, so the lock didn't actually open.

The stupid thing is, if they'd just broken the window, they could have reached through and unlocked both the doorknob and the deadbolt. (Our landlord rectified this problem when he replaced the lock; now the deadbolt requires a key on both sides, so even if they break the window, they can't unlock the deadbolt.)