Singing Potatoes
Friday, 26 September 2008
Electro Shock!

I've been watching more political TV the last few nights, and since I'm mainly watching in real time, I haven't been able to skip commercials like I normally do. One which stands out is for the Mercedes-Benz M Class automobile. If it senses an impending impact, assures the advertisement, it automatically rolls up the windows to help deflect energy around the passengers.

When I lived in Connecticut, a friend of mine was a paramedic (and, later, and EMT). He was required by law to stop at any accident scenes and offer assistance. I saw more than a couple, but the one which has stuck in my mind was the one where the driver of one of the vehicles had his window half-rolled down, and had been resting his arm on top of the window. Let's just say I think of that accident whenever I see a French rack of ribs.

Now, obviously, the M Class will need to roll up the windows fairly quickly and suddenly when it senses a crash about to occur. What does Mercedes-Benz expect will happen if someone has an arm hanging out the window?

Posted by godfrey (link)