Singing Potatoes
Friday, 4 January 2002
Treasure Trove: Schoenberg Center

Just found a cool source on the Web: the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image (SCETI). It was established in 1996 "to provide the scholarly community with web access to virtual facsimiles of original texts, documents, and sources from Penn's collections."

It's really a small world on the Internet. I "met" Dr. Schoenberg over ten years ago, when he was starting up the Klingon Language Institute. I interviewed Michael Okuda for the first issue of HolQeD, the KLI's journal. Looking back, it amazes me that I had the gall to call up Paramount, obtain Okuda's office phone number, ask him for an interview, clear it with Paramount's lawyers, and actually manage to interview him. I wonder if I still have the complete interview lying around on my hard drive?

Moira has curtailed her daily blog. Alas. It was largely through her encouragement that my own (admittedly boring) blog was begun. It was from reading her blog that I learned that waking up choking on stomach acid had more dire consequences than a couple hours' discomfort and lost sleep -- I might otherwise have unknowingly destroyed my singing voice. Farewell, "So Blue It's Black".

Ah well. In a few minutes, I'm off to spend the weekend shooting cannons at Fort Matanzas in St. Augustine. Naturally, this is the first genuinely cold weekend Florida has had all winter. At least there shouldn't be any mosquitos. My friend Sev is bringing some Flag Porter, a porter made from yeast salvaged from the wreck of a ship that went down in the English Channel in 1825. I've never been terribly fond of beer or ale (and alcohol is one of the things I'm supposed to avoid), but I might just take some extra Ranitidine and give it a try, just for curiosity's sake.

Posted by godfrey (link)