Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 15 September 2001

Memento is finally on DVD. Very cool, and (naturally) I noticed things I'd missed when I saw it in the theater. I'm glad they didn't decide to add an option to play the scenes in (forwards) chronological order; it would have completely diluted the movie's punch.

As a diversion, I've been taking tests on TheSpark. So far, I'm a 39% bastard, 89% Un-telligent, and 17% stressed. ("...which barely registers. Get a job. Your Stress Test answers indicate that to reduce your stress level even further you should eliminate at least one of the following from your life immediately: consciousness.") Oh, and the gender test also correctly identified me as male.

I think I'll re-read Terry Pratchett's Jingo this week if I can find the time.

Posted by godfrey (link)