Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 2 May 2006
Ego Surfing
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

The response to my Snakes on a Plane song has been almost entirely gratifying, as I track the blogs and forums it travels to.

Almost entirely. Occasionally I'll run across a comment like this one:

that song was god awful, just like everything over at fark.

sounds like a fucking midi file with a man who loved his weird al and country music singing over it. what a waste.

It's hard to not respond to something like that with anger, but I've managed to remember myself. Such comments are in the exceptional minority, fortunately.

I gotta do more songs in that style, even if just to use the iv-#iv°7-V7 cadence again; that progression kicks ass. Now if only I was capable of writing serious lyrics.

Posted by godfrey (link)
It's on my iPod! (And I made Billie Piper's "Chav" the artwork--for the usual no good reason.)
Five! Five people I know like it!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Aha. I see someone is conflating "I don't like it" with "it's not good." My favourite mistake to watch.
Your blog is syndicating on LJ, your 2 most recent post just showed up.
You gotta go with what you know! You keep on writing those goofy songs.
Not only that, but the idiot confused "swing" with "country." Clearly not worth the pixels.
Well, I can only imagine that he heard in my voice the result of living in the South for 14 years.

Especially this last two; northern Florida is much more southern than Tampa. I work all day long with Southern-accented people, and, like Leonard Zelig, I unconsciously adapt in order to fit in.