Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 3 November 2004
Upon more pleasant topics
Smile Time!

Happy birthday, Moira! Or happy unbirthday, to hold you until you choose a more auspicious day to celebrate your birthday. (Though I have to say that being born on el Día de los Muertos seems pretty cool to me!)

The book I brought unnecessarily to read in line for voting was America: The Book. After reading the first couple of pages in the bookstore, I had to buy it. It's like the American History version of Tom Weller's brilliant Cvltvre Made Stvpid, only with slightly saltier language. Even the inside front cover is funny, if you bother to read it.

Karen and I went to catch Shaun of the Dead before it left Tallahassee theaters. Unfortunately, the local newspaper's Web site had the times wrong, so we saw Team America: World Police instead. I laughed a lot more than I expected to, and the puppets were phenomenal. I hope there's an extensive "making of" feature on the DVD, because I'd love to see how they were put together. I'm guessing the heads were a bit more complex than the ones on Gerry Anderson's "Supermarionation" puppets. I think even the soundtrack would be worth having.

My background check was successful, so I just need to go through one more interview with the head of an entirely different department (I'll be loaned out to him occasionally when they need some VBScript written). That's tomorrow. If it works out, my potential boss wants me to start Friday. Now I'm kind of glad they're struggling to find things for me to do at my temp job; it means I won't leave them up a creek if I have to leave abruptly.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Aww, thank you kindly!