Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 24 December 2003
Happy $generic_holiday!

Merry Christmas! Happy Chanukah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Festivus! Happy Decemberween! Happy Life Day!

It just doesn't seem "Christmasy" when it's warm enough to walk around outside in a short-sleeved shirt. Not that I miss shoveling snow and scraping ice, mind you, but cold weather and white ground are among the things that say "Christmas" to me. Come to think of it, I've missed all the seasonal markers this year; by avoiding malls, I haven't been oversaturated by carols or bell-ringing Santas. By keeping a tighter rein on my television schedule, I haven't run across any of the old Rankin/Bass specials. I haven't even heard anyone ignorantly denouncing "Xmas" as part of a conspiracy to "take Christ out of Christmas".

The Lunchbox did give out his annual CD of Christmas music, but since I tend to listen to those sporadically throughout the year, it didn't really make it seem more like Christmas.

Hell, I haven't even had any egg nog. Maybe that's the problem.

Posted by godfrey (link)