Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 20 July 2006
I HATE it when that happens!
Cup of Rum

This morning, I brought a can of soda with me for the way in to work, but forgot to open it. It sat in my car all day, baking in the sun.

Shortly before the end of the day, I made a trip out to the warehouse to pick up some empty boxes for the move. On the way back, I noticed the can of soda. It was a bit warm, to say the least — even my leathery man-hands found it uncomfortably hot to the touch — so I decided to bring it in and stick it in the mini-fridge. I got in the building, pressed the elevator button, and the doors opened. As I went into the elevator, the can made a sharp popping noise, and I saw that the top was suddenly bulging. It took me by surprise, and it made me go "WAH!" just as another guy got on the elevator.

The doors closed.

Suddenly there was another loud pop, and the roof of the elevator, the other guy and I were all covered in hot soda -- the lid tore itself almost completely off and smacked me right on the knuckle, and the contents sprayed everywhere like a geyser of liquid hot magma.

I'd like to teach the world to BOOM!

The moral of the story is: never bring a boiling can of soda directly into an air-conditioned building.

Posted by godfrey (link)
"My eyes! The doctor said not to get hot soda in them!"
Hope the dude doesn't sue...
You shouldn't drink things that explode anyway.
Holy COW!! That's awsome! Well not the sticky mess but the exploding can is cool!!