Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 16 October 2003
Simplicity is the Key

Okay, I've officially got too many keys on my keyring. They're starting to poke holes in my pocket. Nineteen keys in all, some of which I have absolutely no idea what they fit, but I'm paranoid that if I get rid of them, I'll find myself confronted with a lock that I can no longer open.

Back when I was a kid, my father had a key wallet — it looked like a regular wallet, but inside there were hooks to clip keys onto. Do they even make those anymore?

Posted by godfrey (link)
Yes. Try wal-mart or Walgreens.
Yes, they do. But I suspect more in the UK than the US (we're on a tending-to-be-behind-the-times kick, rather than a nobody-uses-those-any-more)

Just Passing Through