Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 7 May 2002
File under W for "Weird"

While browsing around today, I came across a link which I thought was a joke. Apparently, though, it's quite serious. Now, there are plenty of Christian magazines out there. And there are quite a few computing magazines, as well. But Christian Computing Magazine?!

What, is there a danger of going to Hell if you read one of those secular computing magazines? Could reading Dr. Dobbs' Journal leave believers earthbound during the Rapture?* Would St. Peter really give someone the boot for reading Byte? Is Wired the tool of Satan?

Is there actually a need for a Christian computing magazine? Specialization is fine, but really, there's just a point where it crosses over into ridiculousness.

* Speaking of which, there's no bumper sticker that I find quite as annoying as the one that reads: "Warning: in case of Rapture, this car will become unmanned." That sounds an awful lot like the sin of Pride to me. Then again, I also get annoyed at the one that reads "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." There's nothing quite like the smugness of a "Christian" who's ignorant of the teachings of his own religion.

Posted by godfrey (link)